The Yin style Bagua sixty-four palm changes follow and correlate to the ordering set forth in the Yi Jing (Book of Changes). The Yi Jing contains a description for each hexagram with a main explanation about the meaning and attribution of the hexagram and its relation to the process of change. So, when a particular palm change is practiced under a particular hexagram, the Yi Jing explanation provides a focus to lead the feeling or flavor of the particular skill.
Each hexagram is made up of two trigrams, which are also analyzed in the Yi Jing to provide more detailed explanation of the mind and movement training for each palm change skill. Further, as each hexagram consists of six Yao, the Yi Jing also contains an explanation for each Yao that provides more detailed explanation of practice or application.
Below we introduce four typical palm change skills (Palm Change 1, 2, 63, 64) to make people easily understand how to apply the principles and practice of the Yin style Bagua.
(2) Skill Explanation
Qian Chuan Quan – Forward Piercing Fist is the most important skill in Yin style Bagua Zhang. Piercing Fist is more common called Piercing Palm. The main skills in this palm change are Zou (walk, move, go away) and Chuan (pierce, pass through) which are basic Bagua Zhang skills. They belong to Yang skill which means they are initiating skills. Zou in Baugua Zhang means that you need keep moving and never stop. From moving to find chance to change, changing link changing forever. Chuan in Bagua Zhang means that no one can stop your changing. You can always find chance to attack the opponent’s weak point, just like you can always pass through anything even just from very small space. A sharp tip thing is easy to do pass through action, so that Chuan can mean both pierce and pass through. In Yin style Bagua Zhang, one should image his hand just like a spear. Chuan skill is the main skill in Yin Bagua. It is used a lot in many places. It is said that no body can defense Yin Fu’s three linking piercing palm at his lifetime.
(3) Yijing Principle in Yin Style Bagua Zhang Skill
Hexagram Description:
This is the first hexagram of all sixty-four hexagrams. It is called Qian. It is the most purely Yang; which means that Tian Dao (the way and principle of the sky - the basic rule of universe) can never be changed. It is the beginning of all. Its function is to create everything of universe which means it is basic source. Its attribute is strong, active, stretching, increasing, big, beginning, source, reaching, nice, grow, positive, firm, insist. It never can be stopped or blocked. It has to be hard, insistent, continuous, and cyclic, and then can be perfect and complete.
The palm change "Forward Piercing Fist" follows this principle as its main idea. It is said this skill is the first one of all skills. It is also the most important basic skill. It is included in almost all others. Piercing Palm is always used in the way of attributes of Qian Gua showing.
Trigram Description:
The top (or outside) trigram is Qian that is the symbolization of the movement. According to Bagua principle, the attribute of this trigram shows that the movement of this palm change skill should be brave, valorous, continuous and hard.
The bottom (or inside) trigram is also Qian that is the symbolization of the mind. According to Bagua principle, the attributes of this trigram shows that the mind of this palm change skill should be active, positive, right, insist and pure.
Yao Description:
(9, 1) In a latent period, one must hid and be patient to wait the best chance, do not take any rash action.
(9, 2) When a great chance appears or a great person comes, a successful one should be fully support it, and also should unite all other successful people to support it.
(9, 3) When growing up, one should work hard and also need prevent to be frightened and restless for avoiding disaster.
(9, 4) When being eager to have a try, one should understand the best chance to advantage whatever go forward or backward.
(9, 5) When the time one can achieve his great plan, he need help by wise and able people, and wise and support people should support.
(9, 6) It is a natural law that decline after a great success. So one should be careful to be vigilant and control, do not greed.
Yong Ju (main meaning of Qian Yao):
Whatever how hard, strong, and brave, but no fight to contend, strive, and scramble, do not show first changing. Only this way can keep to stay in safety, leave dangerous away, and get luck. Use the laws but is not restricted by the laws. Only keep calm, follow objective law, never be impetuous, never show off, never take rash action, and understand development and changing, only this one can really master changing and use laws.
All meanings of Yao and Yong Ju should be applied to Forward Piercing Fist application practice.
(4) The Song of The Palm Change
There is a poem (Usually it is called a song, it is a common way to make people remember something easy.) that gives the main idea of this palm change skill. It is:
Sky - Sky is Qian that symbolizes Forward Piercing Fist.
The movement should be hard and valour, the mind should be brave and active, and the Dao is never changed.
It is source and foundation of everything (skills) and it keeps going and recycling.
Go and pass through, forward and back, it can never be stop and block.
The main idea of the palm change from this song is that Forward Piercing Fist Palm Change is the most important and basic skill of all. It is included in every other skill. It should keep going anyway. Nothing can really stop or block it when you use it that means to insist your way. You can change your movement anyway if you get block but you should keep this idea to do it, again and again, hard and continue.
Applicatiopns of Forward Piercing Fist:
e - Turn the body back and look back from the right shoulde; f - Turn the body back with the left palm grinding; g - Turn the body back with the left palm grinding continually; h - Turn the body back with the left palm grinding continually.
(2) Skill Explanation
Mo Zhang – Grinding Palm is also famous as Si Mian Liu Yie Mu Shen Palm – silk floss, willow leaf, grinding body palm. Silk floss means very soft, willow leaf means very light so can be moved by breeze, and the movement of this palm change is like a grind. The main skills in this palm change is Ning (twist) and Fan (turn over or turn back). They belong to Yin skill that means they are passive skills and follow is emphasized. Ning in Bagua Zhang means that you should keep turning. From turning, you can dissolve any trouble and also generate defense skills. But Ning must follow the opponent’s force, it is a soft skill and it cannot be forced to do by yourself. Fan in Bagua Zhang means to turn over in vertical way or turn back in horizontal way. It means change direction of the skill. When you feel one way is difficult, you must change to other way immediately. Never try to keep going on in harder way. Never try to do force to force. So it is also a soft skill.
(3) Yijing Principle in Yin Style Bagua Zhang Skill
Hexagram Description:
This is the second hexagram of all sixty-four hexagrams. It is called Kun. It is the most purely Yin which means it truely follow and obey Dao of Tian (the basic rule of universe) and then can produce everything. Everything comes from Qian and Kun. From them all change starts. It is the foundation of all. Its function is to nourish and nurture everything. Its attribute is soft, quiet, smooth, receptive, nice, negative, luck, tolerant, contain, and carry on. It is never hard but still persistent in right way. It has to tolerate and carry on any trouble, and then can be perfect and complete.
The palm change "Grinding Palm" follows this principle as its main idea. It is also one of the most important basic skill. It is included in almost all others. Usually Piercing Palm is always used in the beginning of palm change and Grinding Palm is always used in the end of palm change. This skill should be used in soft way, just like its attributes.
Trigram Description:
The top (or outside) trigram is Kun that is the symbolization of the movement. The attribute of this trigram shows that the movement skill of this palm change should be unobstructed, smooth, following, and continue.
The bottom (or inside trigram) is also Kun that is the symbolization of the mind. The attribution of this trigram shows that the mind of this palm change should be nice, receptive, harmouious, never confrontation, and tolerant.
Yao Description:
(6, 1) From a tiny thing to see a big thing will happen.
(6, 2) Straight, honor, be magnanimous or lenient, these are basic laws.
(6, 3) Must implicit.
(6, 4) Must restrain.
(6, 5) Must modest.
(6, 6) The softest must be very dangerous.
Yong Liu (main meaning of Kun Yao):
Obey Tian and carry everything, it is follow. So if to use soft, one must always keep assiduous and persevere, and be honors. Only this one can see far and get benefits.
All meanings of Yao and Yong Liu should be applied to Grinding Palm application practice.
(4) The Song of The Palm Change
There is a song that gives the main idea of this palm change skill. It is:
Earth - Earth is Kun that symbolize Grinding Palm.
The movement should be soft, the mind should be smooth and following, and everything produce and grow up from it.
Just like silke cutton (floss) and willow leaf (twig) flying and going with wind.
Twist and turn body over, turn head back, should spread, open, and relax.
The main idea of the palm change from this song is that Grind Palm Change should be practiced in soft and smooth. Try to follow the opponent first then change will happen. Make your body relax and open. Never be tight and hard. From soft produce hard.
Applications of Grinding Palm:
Part 1, 2, 3
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