Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association North American Headquarters
Copyright © 2000 YCGF_NAH. All rights reserved.
Hello. This home page is set up by the North American Headquarters of the Yin Cheng
Gong Fa Association (YCGF-NAH). It is intended to be an introduction to our traditional
Chinese martial arts training system. If you are viewing this page, you are probably a
martial arts enthusiast and practitioner. It is our wish to meet other martial artists whose
interests are similar to ours and to exchange knowledge and experiences.
On this website there are ten pages which introduce our group, its practices and
teachings. Some of these pages also link to various sub-pages. We sincerely hope that
you will enjoy all of these pages and will read through them carefully since each one
presents a great deal of information. Please feel free to link our page to your website and
introduce us to your friends. Thank you.
Yin Cheng Gong Fa was founded by Great Master Wang Peisheng and has spread to all parts of the world
Beijing, China. Having studied, practiced and taught a wide variety of traditional Chinese martial arts for
about seventy years, Master Wang has attained the highest level of martial arts skill. From all that he has
inherited from his masters and from his personal experience, he has designed an effective system to train
practitioners who want to improve and expand their abilities. Today, the main styles and skills taught by
the YCGFA-NAH include Wu style Taiji Quan; Yin, Cheng, and Liu styles of Bagua Zhang; Hebei style
Xingyi Quan; Shi style Baiyuan Tongbei Quan; Changquan and basic gongfu training; and Qigong. On
this web page you will find a brief introduction to each of these styles as well as some interesting photos
of YCGF practitioners from the U.S. and China.
With its roots in the ideals and practices of traditional Chinese culture, the YCGF system also offers
unique ways to help practitioners incorporate high level principles into their martial arts training. As an
international organization, an important goal of the Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association (YCGFA) and our
overseas branch (YCGF-NAH), is to share with people throughout the world treasured cultural
knowledge, much of which is in danger of being lost.